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Followers of the Golden Rule  suffer from "I"-disease.

Here's the secret:  "Do unto others as THEY would have you do unto THEM.

Learn elegant strategies and techniques that are simple to use and get desired results. Less busyness and more business.

Listen with enhanced hearing to what is said, what is not said, what is desired and what is possible from the perspective of the OTHER person. Focus on an  action plans that considers the needs of all stakeholders. What would it mean to achieve your goals? What new options would you have? How would life be better if you go from good to great?

One-on-one or with your team, I will add value with strategies that are simple yet elegant and practical to implement. I bring new and exciting right brain concepts to traditional left brained thinking riveting participants with fresh ideas they are willing to practice. 

Let's connect the dots, untangle the strands, make complicated things simple and achieve the results you want.

Some people like to grow flowers. I like to grow people and revenues. And I've never been afraid to (gently) tell the emperor (" don't have any clothes on") thus saving him dry cleaning bills and providing an opportunity for an impression management upgrade.

Take the next step. Let’s get some new results. Call me at 212 874 1201.